Sarpy County Local News

New I-80 access point in the planning process for the western part of Sarpy County

OMAHA, Nebraska – For several years, the City Planning Agency (MAPA) has been scouting western Sarpy County for the best location to add a new access point to Interstate 80.

“The two options are really good for 192nd Street and the Interstate, and 168th Street and the Interstate,” says Mike Helgerson, MAPA executive director.

Helgerson says the main driver of the project is the continued growth of Sarpy County.

“When you think about the growth of things like warehousing and distribution in the Omaha metro area, and how the growth of this industry in western Sarpy County has really accelerated over the past few years, you project that ten years into the future. there will be many new businesses, new residents, rooftops in this corridor.”

Highway 370 and Highway 31 are currently the main access points to I-80 in the area.

The MAPA study shows that the new interchange between the two will help with traffic congestion, future development and regional freight traffic.

“We were only evaluating improvements to these interchanges at Highway 370 and Highway 31, and whether the improvements at those locations would manage and meet the amount of traffic we expect going forward, and we were really able to say they wouldn’t,” adds Helgerson.

The study has been submitted to the Nebraska Department of Transportation and the Nebraska Highway Authority. Once approved, a preliminary design and engineering phase will be developed and environmental decisions made.

However, before they can start digging, they also need federal government approval.

In general, the project can stretch for 10 years.

“We hope to speed up this project and get it done as quickly as possible so that we don’t have this messy part where all this growth happens and this new access and decoupling that we have today is more tense than what we’re seeing right now. “.

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